Chemistry National Meeting Singapore (ChnmSG)

The 5th Chemistry National Meeting Singapore (ChnmSG5) will be held on the 28th of July 2023, Friday, at the Jurong Island campus of the Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment (ISCE2), A*STAR. This conference is jointly organised by the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), and representatives from ISCE2, the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE, A*STAR), the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). ChnmSG5 aims to serve as an important platform to bring together the local chemistry community from academia and industry alike, with more than 200 participants expected from institutes of higher learning (NUS, NTU, SUTD, polytechnics, etc.), research institutes (A*STAR) and the industry.
This year’s event also marks the first post-pandemic ChnmSG, which allows for a live physical meeting. In line with the greater focus on sustainability-themed research in Singapore and globally, ChnmSG5 will be held in Singapore’s flagship research institute on sustainability research, ISCE2, A*STAR. The line-up of insightful presentations includes those of plenary and invited speakers, SNIC awards winners, and poster presentations. Furthermore, participants get an exclusive opportunity for a site tour, to learn more about the facilities available in ISCE2 Jurong Island, her research capabilities, and contributions towards national agendas on sustainability.

We therefore look forward to your kind participation in ChnmSG5 as we take stock of the achievements and progress made in the local chemistry community over the past two years.
*Please note that registration is required for this event. Walk-ins are not allowed.