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Distinguished Woman Chemist

SNIC-AsCA2019 Distinguished Woman Chemist Award for the year 2024

The SNIC-AsCA2019 Distinguished Woman Chemist Award is established by Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), jointly funded by the local organizing committee chair of the 16th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association held at the National University of Singapore (17-20 December 2019) and SNIC.

The purpose of this award is to recognize the work of women chemists, who have contributed significantly to chemical research or development in either academia, government agencies or industry. The award consists of S$2000, a certificate and a medal. The award will be presented at the Singapore National Chemistry Meeting (ChnmSG) to be held in August 2024. This prestigious award is presented once to a researcher for her lifetime and will not be considered again.

Selection Committee

The President of SNIC appointed the following to evaluate the applications for the award in 2023.

  • Jagadese J. VITTAL, Department of Chemistry, NUS (Chair)

  • CHEN Xiaodong, NTU

  • LEE Pooi See, NTU

  • XU Guo Qin, NUS

  • YANG Hui Ying, SUTD



Link to application form:

Materials for Application needed

  • CV (maximum TWO pages)
  • Summary of Academic Achievement (maximum TEN pages including schemes and figures as well as the corresponding references)
  • Publication List (only published one from Singapore as PI)
  • Nomination of Two Potential Referees



The selection committee for the SNIC-AsCA2019 Distinguished Women Chemist Award has defined the following executive rules and procedures for this inaugural award:

1. Eligibility: An woman chemist who has contributed significantly to one or more of the following: chemical education, chemical research or developmental work in academia, government agencies or industries. The award will be granted regardless of race, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, and educational background. Nevertheless, the work should have been done in Singapore for this award. The award winner must present a talk at the forthcoming ChnmSG and should be an active member of SNIC. At the end of the talk, the citation of the award winner will be read out by the chair before the award is presented.

2. Nomination: Nominations will be solicited once a year before the ChnmSG. For 2024, it is now open and will be closed on March 01, 2024.

3. Criteria & Selection Procedure: Apart from the submitted applications, the committee can also invite the eligible candidates directly to apply for this award if necessary. If there is no suitable candidate found, the award needed not be presented in that year.



Congratualations to the winners!


Associate Professor CHI Chunyan

National University of Singapore


Professor YANG Hui Ying

Singapore University of Technology and Design


Professor LEE Pooi See

Nanyang Technological University


Professor LIU Bin

National University of Singapore