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Chapter of Singapore Crystallographers

The Chapter of Singapore Crystallographer (CSC) is the Singaporean national body for crystallographers. A discipline, which since its inception in the early 20th century, has garnered 29 Nobel Prizes, more so than any other field. Formed in 2018 under in its current capacity, the CSC is a chapter of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry, our discipline however reaches far, into Biology, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering.

Crystallography has a rich history in Singapore, and we hope to build on this history and provide:

  • A professional network to all crystallographers practicing in Singapore

  • Training for all levels from beginners through to advanced courses given by international experts

  • Outreach to promote crystallography to young scientists and the public

  • Links between academia and industry wishing to use the great wealth of instrumentation available in Singapore

Our three main sections are small-molecule, macromolecular and materials crystallography. Please browse the website to learn more about crystallographic events, opportunities around Singapore and learn more about our historical subject. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or wish to collaborate for outreach projects.


The Chapter of Singapore Crystallographers (CSC) is a chapter of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC). To be a member of the CSC simply complete the registration and membership process for the SNIC. Hence, by joining the CSC you will have access to all of the benefits the SNIC and CSC have to offer.

New members may CLICK HERE to fill out a registration form and submit payment. Please be aware the notion of needing a chemistry degree for membership of the SNIC is waived if you wish to be a part of the CSC, we welcome members from all fields interested in crystallography.

Some of the benefits of the CSC are:

  1. The CSC is the only professional organization for crystallographers within Singapore.

  2. We host an annual conference in conjunction with the SNIC which is free for members.

  3. Multiple workshops are conducted each year, with international experts coming to give training and insight into a variety of crystallographic aspects.

  4. The association will give prizes for exemplary work and offer bursaries to attend larger conferences in related fields, such as the Asian Crystallographic Association Meetings.

  5. You will have access to a large number of local experts to troubleshoot problems and get to know your local crystallographic community that spreads in many academic and industrial organizations within Singapore.

Committee Members

Please get in touch if you have any questions. We have a society email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – which may be responded to by any member of the committee, whilst individual contact details may be found below.

Pro-tem Chairman:

Prof Tim White 2

Professor Tim White
Institution: NTU, School of Materials and Engineering
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pro-tem Vice Chairman:

Connie Liu

Dr Connie Liu
Institution: A*Star, Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pro-tem Honorary Secretary:

Samuel Morris

Dr Samuel A. Morris
Institution: NTU, Facility for Analysis, Characterisation, Testing and Simulation (FACTS)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Pro-tem Treasurer:


Dr Rakesh Ganguly
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ordinary Members of Committee:

1) Professor JJ Vittal

2) Dr Weiling Liu

3) Dr Fengxia Wei

4) Professor Robert Simpson

5) Dr Kelvin Tan

6) Dr Jobichen Chacko



XRD Workshop: Better Data Quality, Analysis & Interpretation


Tue, 14 May, 9am – 5pm, NTU FACTS @ ABN, TELS room

X-ray diffraction has undoubtedly been integral towards materials science research. We want to gather the XRD community to share knowledge and gain ideas on how to improve materials research. Join us for a free one-day hands-on learning workshop. This workshop is organised in conjunction with Malvern Panalytical, NTU FACTS and the Chapter of Singapore Crystallographers. Invited speakers include Dr Umesh Tiwari, Global Product Manager for Advanced Materials in Malvern Panalytical, Dr Samuel Morris, Research Fellow at NTU FACTS and Dr Liu Weiling, Research Fellow at NTU FACTS. Learn about the basics to powder XRD, pick up tips on better data collection, learn how to perform Rietveld refinement and other advanced powder XRD analysis. All participants will be able to download a complimentary trial HighScore XRD software license from Malvern Panalytical for the hands-on phase ID, quantification and refinement analysis.

Register now at  


Chemistry National Meeting Singapore (ChnmSG 2019) CSC Parallel Session and AGM

This event will be the inaugural meeting of the society and will celebrate Singaporean crystallography. It will be held as part of the SNIC Annual Conference, which this year is on May 15th at NUS U-Town. We will have talks highlighting the wide range of crystallography Singapore practices, including protein crystallography, powder, thin-film and small molecule single crystal studies. As it's our desire to create a community within Singapore, the conference will actively encourage a large number of student talks over the coming years to give them an opportunity to meet talk about their work, meet experts in the field and talk openly about problems they face.

As part of our first meeting we will also host our first Annual General Meeting to elect office bearers for the coming year. We will also be making amendments to our rules and regulations as the community sees fit.

Our current speaker list for the session is:
  1. Prof. J J Vittal (NUS)
  2. Prof. Leong Weng Kee (NTU)
  3. Prof. Timothy John White (NTU)
  4. Prof. Yang Ping (NUS)
  5. Prof. Gerhard Gruber (NTU)
  6. Dr. Connie LIU Kin Man (A*)
  7. Prof. Gao Yonggui (NTU)
  8. Dr. Jobichen Chacko (NUS)
  9. Dr. Srinivasulu Aitipamula (A*)
  10. Assistant Prof. Robert Simpson (SUTD)
  11. Dr. Wei Fengxia (A*)
Conference information and registration can be found here:

 CREST INNOVATION is the proud sponsor of the Crystallographic Session:


Advanced XRD Data Analysis & Interpretation Workshop 2019

Thur - Fri, 12-13 Dec, 9am - 5pm @ NTU The Arch Learning Hub

Interested in improving your XRD data analysis and interpretation? The Chapter of Singapore Crystallographers, NTU FACTS and Malvern Panalytical collaborate yet again for the second installation of XRD workshops. This time, we’ve extended the programme to 2 days to cater for more time for hands on learning and discussions. What’s more, Malvern Panalytical’s application specialists from their supply center in the Netherlands will be a guest presenter.

What you will learn:

1. Advanced XRD data analysis, including Rietveld, in-situ and PDF

2. Learn how to achieve better quality data through proper experimental set up, sample preparation and more

3. Added hands-on time on the XRD instrument as well as HighScore Plus software for step-by-step analysis

4. Plus all attendees walk away with a FREE 90-day HighScore Plus demo license


The Asian Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting 2019


The 16th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA2019) will be held at the University Town, National University of Singapore, Singapore on 15-20 December, 2019.

The AsCA2019 conference aims to organize a number of microsymposia, crystallographic software sessions, and a 'Rising Star' session by young scientists. Scientific scope of the AsCA2019 will cover all important aspects of crystallography-related areas, including synchrotron/neutron, structural biology, chemical crystallography, materials and polymer science, crystal growth/crystallization, pharmaceuticals, electron microscopy, informatics, and much more. This will provide a platform for those working in these areas to present their most recent research findings and to exchange ideas on the most frontier research topics in crystallography. This also serves to showcase the fast developments of crystallography in this region.

Situated at the nexus of the maritime Silk Road bridging east and west Asia, Singapore is an ideal place for bringing people together from all the walks of the continent. The Lion City has an Indian name, a sizable Chinese, Indian, Malay and even Arab population. Almost anyone can find a place he could call home. It is as cosmopolitan as it can be. The National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technology University and the Agency of Science Technology and Research are testimony of Singapore's ambition to be a leading power in academic research well beyond the size of the city state and provide the ideal infrastructure for an event of this scale.

More information and registration can be found here: