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RSC and SNIC Partnership

The RSC and the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC) recently renewed their agreement to cooperate for the establishment of a continuous communication and exchange in the field of chemistry and related areas of knowledge for the benefit of both the Singapore and United Kingdom [UK] chemical communities.  The MOU signing ceremony was conducted during the opening of a recent joint symposium in inorganic chemistry between the two societies.  The symposium features three main themes, namely catalysis, energy and scarce resources.  There is also a session dedicated to women in science with focus on the area of inorganic chemistry.

RSC and SNIC first agreed to collaborate in February 2007.  The purpose of this Partnership is to create channels between members, bodies, divisions, sections and groups of both chemical societies in order to encourage:

  • Knowledge of and participation at scientific meetings, organized under the sponsorships of SNIC and / or RSC, of Singapore and UK chemists in both countries
  • Scientific cooperation through common scientific, educational and / or social projects between Singapore and UK chemists 
  • Joint sponsorship and / or organization of scientific, educational and / or social events for scientific exchange and the promotion of public awareness of chemistry and related areas in both Singapore and UK 
  • Exchange of printed or electronic materials published or sponsored by both chemical societies. 

Find out more about our partner society at

1) 2017 SNIC-RSC End-Year Party

Date: 8th December 2017, Friday

Venue: Food Barn, 1 Fusionopolis Place, #01-13, Galaxis, S138522

Time: 6.30 pm to 9 pm


2) SNIC RSC New Year Party

Date: 9 January 2019, Wednesday

Venue: Curbside Café & Wine Bar

Time: 6.30pm

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