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National Technical Committees

Technical Committee on Chemicals and Processes 



Dr Ken Lee

Dr Ken Lee is currently a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his B.Sc. (Hons) and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from the National University of Singapore and later spent 3 years working in a drug discovery and development company as a medicinal chemist. He spent more than 12 years with Singapore Polytechnic, holding various academic, research and management positions. Ken enjoys strong networking with various industries, and has strong links with the relevant government agencies. He is also a Technical Assessor with Singapore Accreditation Council where he has obtained a Distinguished Award in 2016.

Leong Weng Kee

Dr Leong Weng Kee

Dr Leong Weng Kee is currently an Associate Professor in Chemistry at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He holds a BA and an MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, a DipEd from the National Institute of Education (Singapore), an MSc from the National University of Singapore (NUS), a PhD from Simon Fraser University and was recently awarded the ScD by Cambridge University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), and a member of the American Chemical Society. He has worked as a teacher, as well as a development chemist with Glaxo Development(S) Pte Ltd (now GSK). He joined NUS first as a Teaching Fellow and eventually as Associate Professor; he moved to NTU in 2009. His service to the universities have included the University Senate Delegacy in NUS, and as the Senate Chair, the Board of Discipline, the University Teaching Council, and Dy HoD in NTU. He has also served as reviewer for a number of research granting bodies, including the Singapore NRF, the US and Swiss NSFs, the Czech Science Foundation, and the Petroleum Research Fund (US). He has supervised 21 PhD and 15 MSc students to date. His current research interest is in organometallic chemistry, particularly the chemistry of mixed-metal clusters, the application of clusters to the biomedical and biological sciences and nanosciences, and in bond activation and catalysis. Collaborative work has involved partners working within Singapore at A*STAR institutions (ICES and SBIC), and international partners in the US (North Texas), Australia (Melbourne), Taiwan (NTU), Sweden (KI) and France (Sorbonne). Weng Kee has over 180 refereed publications in international journals.


Technical Committee on Surface Coatings


Dr Dien Pandiman

Dr Dien Pandiman is the Executive Director of Pidilite Innovation Centre Pte. Ltd. and is responsible for applied research and product innovations of surface coatings and construction chemicals for Pidilite Group of Companies. He has more than 10 years experience in these fields and his research interests are in the future and emerging applications of nanomaterials in surface coatings and construction chemicals. He had developed many innovative products and successfully commercialised in the global markets. A Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC UK), he is the Chairman of the RSC Singapore Section. He is a Member of SPRING Singapore's Technical Committee for Surface Coatings, and is also a Technical Assessor, under the Singapore Accreditation Council-Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (SAC-SINGLAS) for technical audits at various independent laboratories in Singapore.